Thursday, April 28, 2011

Monthly Update - back garden

A lot is happening, but nothing has "happened" other than the masses of Lilacs that I didn't photo until the rains and time had finished them off.....and the Pink Columbine. It looks like I have lost the purple one to the marauding doglet last fall. As a result I am posting lots of green photo's, in the hopes that in a few short weeks the change will be obvious. The Bourbons are days away from being a mass of pink again and the other roses are also covered in buds.

The other Lilac has buds but didnt flower, so I am wondering if it is just a later bloomer than the other, or if it needs another year. The hydrangeas are up and so are the Hostea's...although only on one side. Odd? Where did the other half go?

The Rose of Sharon made it through winter, but sadly it looks like the Jasmine is a lost cause. Both Clementis are thriving and climbing fast and furiously up the fence.

I think this covers all the photo's....hopefully next month will be very pretty. For now there is just foliage.